Still rambling

Monday, August 21, 2006

Crazy dog

One of the neat tools of the trade that Farmers Mutual provides for us, is a Leica Disto Laser Measurer... they make our job SO much easier.....

Today, I was measuring a building and the little red light on the laser was bouncing on the wall ... and the dog went nuts.. jumping up and down trying to bite the little red light...I think he thought it was a red bug or something....

cracked me right up... so I spent the next few minutes shining the light all over the wall, watching the dog jump up trying to bite the light!!

i know... small things amuse small minds!!

shut up!


At August 22, 2006 6:46 a.m. , Blogger Wendy said...

That is HILARIOUS! It sounds like you both had A LOT of fun.

At August 22, 2006 10:09 a.m. , Blogger Gayle said...

How fortunate that you have such an entertaining job...and to think you get PAID for it!!


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