I'm the kind of person that hates advertising... I HATE that we get hammered with ads all the time.... it annoys me that the media pushes products and "things" that they think we should have..... I'm a fairly smart consumer, and I like what I like... I don't like that ads on tv are LOUDER than the regular show, I don't like that Canadian tv stations have WAY more commercials than US television stations.....
and.. I HATE how condescending a lot of the radio ads are.....
So...... I mute the tv during commercials, when I'm in the car, I change back and forth between the cd and the radio, when ads come on....
I just feel I should be able to CHOOSE what I listen to, and not be hammered by people pushing their products on me.... ( I'm not as hard as I sound, honest ) ....
so imagine my surprise on Monday afternoon.... I was in Alliston, and was filling up with gas at the Esso station on Highway 89 .....and the gas pump started talking to me..... I mean REALLY talking..... freaked me right out.....
I mean, she ( the pump ) had a pretty voice, and all... so I looked up....
to my shock, and surprise and eventual disgust, I found that the pumps there have tv screens! As soon as the pump started pumping, the tv came on and started a whole stream of Ads.... from tv ads advertising the weather network.... to Esso pushing their overpriced snack foods....
I bet soon, they'll have tv screens on the ceiling of the bathrooms so they can fill your minds full of trash while you uh..... sit there and uh... read the newspaper!!
I hear you! The greatest technological invention, with respect to the world of entertainment, was the mute button!
I am also an informed consumer and I buy what I want...not what someone else suggests (REPEATEDLY) would be good for me.
On the other had, without advertising, there would be no reason to turn on the TV, because there would be no programming! I believe that is what's known as a "necessary evil".
So, let's hear it for the MUTE BUTTON! We can all make an informed decision to block out the ads!
Read revelation again.....the anti-christ will be using the media for his purpose. Makes me think were getting closer than ever!
I'm with you! I'll be in so much trouble someday if my prince shows up (you need a new car) ecause I'm queen of the remote and hate ads. Flip...flip...(buy Coke)...flip. Watch 2..3 or more shows at once. (Sorry ladies! I'm a disgrace I know.)
Anywho, I think they have these ads on the pumps because they can get some poor sucker to (a Tim's would taste great right now!) get caught up in the ad and put more gas in then they originally planned.
Just my .02
PS: Did my not-so-subliminal advertising work on you?
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