Still rambling

Monday, May 05, 2008


so ....Friday, I leaned into my trunk to get something.... and heard a nasty crunch....

and I went to my knees... feeling pain in my lower back like nothing I've ever felt before....

Old age, to quote my father, is not for the squeamish...

so for the last 3 1/2 days, I've been walking around here like a gimp... barely able to get up the stairs.... almost unable to roll over in bed at night..... and finding it hard to find any position that is comfortable for more than 2 minutes....

Every time I tried to do aaaanything all weekend, Abby would walk up to me, tap me on the hand and whisper..... " You shouldn't do that in YOUR CONDITION" and then she'd giggle!!!


so today I went to the Chiropractor..... he told me it was accumulative strain ..... I THINK it was his way of saying... YOU SHOULD HAVE BEEN HERE MORE OFTEN!!!

he told me if it happened again on a weekend, that I should ice it... not ice per se.... but something frozen.....

just open up your freezer, and you'll find something that will work.....

at this very moment, I'm icing my back.....

with Compliments Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream....

I'm not actually putting it on my back..... I figured since the back of my stomach actually was quite CLOSE to the spine, it would likely do the same thing...

so I'm administering it uh..... as fast as I possibly can..... you know... for my back.... to help with the pain immediately!!

its kinda sore tonight!!!

I LOVE modern medicine!!!


At May 06, 2008 6:42 a.m. , Blogger Wendy said...

Compliments Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream...You gotta love it when that's your MEDICINE!!!

Question is: Does your spine feel any better or just your stomach????

I love Abby's sense of humour!!! LOLOLOLOL!!!!

At May 06, 2008 12:08 p.m. , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please do ice your helps a lot, and ice feels good on anything sore in my opinion. My sister said that frozen peas work just as well.

That ice cream container reminds me of the time we went camping and bought a little carton for my brother and I with food allergies (rice dream), and then 2liters of butterscotch ice cream for three siblings and my dad . We got back to the campsite and realized....we didn't have a freezer to put the leftovers in! we just had to eat it.....all. My sister went to bed soooo full after eating about a liter of it, and I never dreamed of eating half a container of STRAWBERRY (my favorite) rice dream...I think it was better than the time we lost electricity in the middle of July for 17 hours, and dug the tub of No Name Vanilla ice cream out of the freezer and ate that half-melted, half-separated, syrupy stuff...half a gallon of it!

Hope your back feels better soon!


At May 06, 2008 7:03 p.m. , Blogger Gayle said...

If you try the bag of peas remember to administer them EXternally since they won't go down as well as the ice cream!

Hope you feel better do seem to have one thing after another don't you?

LPP, still waiting for an address...I just need it to fill in the blank...not htat you are missing anything so far since I havne't had time to blog!

At May 06, 2008 7:04 p.m. , Blogger Gayle said...

I think I need to buy a big tub of ice cream just in case the power goes out....

At May 06, 2008 7:05 p.m. , Blogger Paul said...

or in case you hurt your back!!!

At May 06, 2008 8:17 p.m. , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You two are SO funny...


At May 06, 2008 8:39 p.m. , Blogger Wendy said...

Dr. Paul,

What do you recommend for a pain in the neck and shoulders???

Will ice cream do the trick or should I hold out for the massage that I booked???


A patient with a pain in her neck!

At May 06, 2008 8:44 p.m. , Blogger Paul said...

ice cream will fix ANY malady!!!!

signed : Dr Pain in the Butt

At May 06, 2008 8:53 p.m. , Blogger Wendy said...

Ok, with all this talk about food, I'm getting HUNGRY!!! LOL!


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