Still rambling

Monday, March 19, 2007

Getting up before breakfast

My dad is a morning person......... I'm a mourning person..... 12:30 or 1 in the morning, I'm still rattling around, wondering how much more paperwork I can finish, and hoping that when I DO get into bed, that I'll fall asleep.....

My dad, meanwhile, has been in bed for hours already, cause he's up and has half a days' work done before I drag my carcus out of bed in the morning.....

one day, probably back when I was working for him, he said to me : If you're going to get that appointment on time, you'll have to get up before breakfast ( can you feel my angst? ) ....

Reminds me of a joke..... Two old guys were in a nursing home in the lounge, in their wheel chairs facing the tv.... First guy looks over at the other and says :

I'm sooooo constipated.... I can hardly stand it.... I mean, I'm sooo uncomfortable, that ...... and he glances over at his friend and says..

Well... I don't have to tell YOU about this... you know how it feels...

The second guy says : NOPE ... not ME! I'm regular as the SUN coming up...

Every morning at 6:30 ... Just like clockwork!

First guy says : ARE YOU SERIOUS???? oh MAN, that must be nice

Second guy says : not really, I don't wake up until 7

OK THEN... I say all that to say..... I woke up before breakfast today!!!!

( jeez paul... grasping for something to post are we??? )

So I woke up early this morning to pray....

Actually... I woke up cause I had to use the bathroom... and I prayed that I could get back to sleep! is that the same thing??

Anyway.... I'm upstairs, without my glasses on... it's DARK out for crying out loud.... I don't put my glasses on until MORNING....

On my way past the big picture window, I spotted this GORGEOUS sunrise ( there's a first time for everything wendy... shut up!! ) ...

I thought to myself...

" I have to go get my camera.. ( even in a sleepless stupor, I think about my camera... there must be some psychosis involved here ) .....and I have to record the time, cause NOBODY will believe I'm up this early.. it must be what... 4:30 ? 5 maybe..... I KNOW it is before 6 ... oh Steve and Dawna will never believe I was up THIS early.....

I am going to make a big thing about this, on my blog... you know.. to impress all of the morning people freaks.. ( I mean disciplined early risers! )"

So I walked over to the microwave to see what time it was... of course with no glasses on, it's only a blur of red..... so I have to lean down so close that I touch my nose on the keypad of the microwave....

I'm excited to see how early it MUST be... getting more proud of myself by the SECOND..... i mean, there's a sunrise out there, for crying out loud.... ...

and as i finally get close enough to the clock , I read :



Too early to be coherent, too late to go back to bed.... what to do?

got my camera, took a picture, and went back to bed...... hrrrmph!


At March 19, 2007 11:38 a.m. , Blogger Gayle said...

Loved the joke!

Beautiful pics of the you it has been quite some time since I have seen one. Now I"m good to go for awhile and I didn't even have to get up early.

And 7:08 is still early. Not like 4 or 5 but it's still early. You can give yourself at least a few points! I don't think days are meant to begin till 10...why can't breakfast be then??

At March 19, 2007 1:20 p.m. , Blogger Wendy said...

This is the BEST post. I laughed so hard, that I cried!

Beautiful sunrise photos...see the reward that God gives to all of us "disciplined early risers"!!!

Incidentally, by 7:08 a.m., I was up, had breakfast (incl. my first cup of coffee) and was thinking about what to wear to work!!! By 7:30 a.m., I was on my way TO work!!!

There is something to be said for a regular routine...just so long as it doesn't become a habit!! LOL!

At March 19, 2007 4:04 p.m. , Blogger jel said...

Awesome pictures! thanks for sharing them!

4:ooAM every work day!

At March 19, 2007 6:21 p.m. , Blogger Angela said...

Paul, I can feel your pain! Although I do get up a wee bit earlier than you, it seems, I have been struggling with mornings lately (of course, I've already whined at you about that, so I needn't repeat myself). Anyhow, I intentionally set my clock for 6:30 this morning as I've been falling out of my morning scripture routine what with working and all (okay, so a little more whining won't hurt right?). So, I got up earlier and STILL didn't get my time with God in. How does this happen? It's not like I was spending time with that sunrise and praising God for it . . . no, I was making my lunch, signing report cards (that I forgot to do before March break), writing notes to school etc.

Looks like I'll be aiming for 6:00 tomorrow!

At March 19, 2007 9:29 p.m. , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Baby steps Paul, Baby steps...
We actually did notice the sunrise this morning and it was beautiful. Of course we had been up for a hour or so by that point!!

Oh by the way, it is 9:30pm time for me to get to bed. LOL

At March 23, 2007 11:06 p.m. , Anonymous Anonymous said...

buwahahaha. The days I have to get up at 6 just about do me in. I'd rather stay up till 2 and get up at 10. Ah well. 8:30 has become acceptable to me at least. But wait till my kids are grown up.... lol

beautiful pics!


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