Still rambling

Friday, March 09, 2007

Slip Slidin' Away

To quote Paul Simon......

Slip slidin' away
Slip slidin' away
You know the nearer your destination
The more you're slip slidin' away

so yesterday.... at the first inspection, I wiped out... twice....
at the second inspection, i wiped out twice....
by the time I got to my third stop, I was afraid to get out of the car!!!
anyway... the second fall of the first inspection ( jeez, I sound like a hypochondriac! ) .... I was walking around the corner of the Diesel Fuel tank.... wait.... let me back up for a second :

one of the funny things that I see when I'm out inspecting farms, is the cattle... like this bunch here, for instance :

Cattle are all the same... when stranger walks past the fence, they stare at you like a mule stares at a new gate.... it cracks me up!

I often talk to them.... I say things like....

hello ladies.... or ...what, never seen a big ole fat man in coveralls before? do you LIKE my lovely coveralls? why don't you take a picture?? it'll last longer.... that kind of thing!!!

anyway..... as I came around the back corner of the house, I was in snow up to my knees .... buried in the snow somewhere was a big log.. it'll be firewood eventually.. but NOW, it's buried in the snow......

as I came around the corner... i bumped into it and went down on my face...... camera around my neck, clip board in one hand, and my laser measurer in my other hand..... ever seen a big man with his hands full trying to get up out of the deep snow???? not only is it not pretty, it's almost not possible to get up!

There is only one way to do it....roll over onto you back and do a massive sit up..... guess when the last time was, that I did a SIT UP..... 1984... .... so I'm rolling around like a beached whale, trying to keep my papers and my laser from getting wet..... and the cattle just stood there and stared at me....

Finally , after grunting and groaning and flailing around, I got up... totally exhausted!! I staggered back to the driveway, half wondering if I should just get in my car and go home before I humiliated myself any further...

..... the very next thing to inspect was the Diesel Tank.... it was sitting right beside the field with all the heifers.. very likely the children of the cattle that just enjoyed my wipe out!!

The diesel tank was sitting just at the edge of the I got to the corner of the diesel tank, my foot dropped off the edge and down I went again... I hit the crusty snow...and my clip board hit the fence.... and it made a HUGE noise... scared the SNOT out of those poor heifers.... they took off like there was a stampede coming and they didn't want to get trampled..... I lay there in a pool of my own humiliation, giggling. as I watched the back side of those heifers heading west around the drive shed!!!!

As I lay there, I was torn between two thoughts :

[1] Hoping the farmer hadn't seen me cause I'd scared his cattle, not to mention made a complete fool of myself ...


[2] hoping that he HAD seen me, and was on his way out to get the front end loader to lift me out of the snow bank....

Sigh............ when you think macho, really... do I come to mind? hmmm, not anymore!!!!


At March 09, 2007 6:30 p.m. , Blogger donna said...

LOL !!! you ARE a piece of you really WORK for a living??

I cannot stop laughing...bye

At March 09, 2007 9:01 p.m. , Blogger Wendy said...

Why is it, that there's never a video camera around when you need one???

At March 10, 2007 8:51 a.m. , Blogger Gayle said...

Oh Paul, you are so's a good thing you have such an ability to laugh at yourself.You make us all laugh in the process and that is a good thing.

At March 10, 2007 7:09 p.m. , Blogger Catherine said...

Just too funny! Thanks for the visual...I think! ;o)


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