Still rambling

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Day 22

 well --- I'm still here --- 

I'm starting the 4th full week of these shakes ---- 7 days left - Surgery is one week from today!

The Medi-Meal is a remarkable thing - if nothing else - it tastes good and it contributes to weight loss --

So far, after 3 weeks - I have dropped 25 pounds exactly - from the weigh in on day 2 ---

I am SO thankful - and excited - clothes are fitting that have cut the circulation off hahaha

side effects are mostly gone - the lingering boys-room visits are the final one to leave - they should stop somewhere around February of 2029 God Willing


Thanks for caring and checking in :)  

Wednesday, October 09, 2024

Day 16 --- and I haven't killed anybody yet !!!

Well there's been a lull in posting --

Day 6 was a turn around day - things got markedly better that day - and my body stopped being SO harngry!

I am starting to notice some changes physically - much less pain in my hip because of the removal of sugar and carbs --- I was surprised to realize this would have an impact -

some people have said : OH YEAH - sugar causes inflation !  YOU DIDN'T KNOW THAT??

no, no I didn't !

But I'm pleased just the same!!

And my clothes don't cut off circulation anymore so looser fitting clothing gives me great hope!!

The shakes that I drink ( Medi-Meal ) are still very enjoyable - with one exception ---

The day I picked them up at the hospital - they only had Vanilla --
I just shrugged and said : Oh well I guess I'm getting Vanilla .....

but saw that I could add Decaf Instant Coffee Crystals - which I began doing and that has been a game changer.... SO much nicer flavour --- It almost tastes like a treat from Starbucks!

and at $2.86 per packet - it FEELS almost like Starbucks hahahaha

Tonight I thought I'd venture out and try one of their "suggested recipes" for Orange creamsicle---

I added orange jello crystals to the vanilla shake --- and it made it LOOK very orange -
but it had a nasty taste --- we won't be doing THAT again !!!!

anyway - I seem to have found a groove - and I'm PRAYING that this little bubble of euphoria isn't short lived ---

I'll likely be 2 or 3 months before I'm back on normal food and for NOW at least - i'm feeling content 

Stay in touch!! ***paul

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Day 3 - MAN I Love JELLO

 well ---

I haven't killed anybody yet!  Although --- Today's not over !!

For the 4 weeks prior to surgery - my daily diet consists of 4 Medi-Meal protein shakes -  to help protect muscle tissue, and to shrink the liver.

I am allowed to supplement with soup broth between shakes as well as sugar free Jello.

Today I stocked up on Jello -- I went to Walmart - and loaded up - 

I filled a "CHIPIT" box with two dozen boxes of jello !!!

On my way back to the car, I bumped into some friends - and when we talked about my special diet -- the peered into my grocery cart with interest and asked - innocently I assume :  

"Is it a CHIPITS diet ???"

uh no --- that box is filled with Jello boxes hahaha

it made me laugh - and laughter is such good medicine :)  

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Day 2 of the first 28


A cracker --- a piece of cheese --- ANYTHING!

I tried chewing out my neighbour's dog - but it just didn't satisfy!

I had my pre-op in Kingston today -  they did a bunch of questions - full on health overview - BP, Weight, Blood work and an EKG.

The good news this regimen is having amazing early on results : I'm down 8 ounces from my last weigh in 😏

I made some new friends in the waiting room - and didn't cry when they took my blood!

The Vanilla shakes are lovely - not overly filling - but they taste nice!
I add a tea spoon of instant decaf coffee - and boy does that make it taste good!!

 I am also allowed 2 litres per day of clear caffeine free liquids - including beef,chicken and vegetable broth - and sugar free jello -

holy - on an empty stomach, BOTH of those items are delectable!!

will check in another time :) 

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Day 1 of a new life -

 Well today I am embarking on a new venture --

not a job - not a relationship -

and no, I'm not coming out of the closet!

I am scheduled for Bariatric Bypass Surgery four weeks from today - to help control my weight -

it's been an issue for a long long time, but much worse since the pandemic.

In February of 2023, I was diagnosed with moderate Osteoarthritis and it has become much worse in the months since then.

In March of 2024, I began walking with a cane and September 13th, 2024 - I received an Accessible Parking Permit - the blue wheel chair parking pass -

I cried --- but I am also very grateful to have it !!

Today begins the last 4 weeks pre-op - where I will live on 4 Medi-Meal shakes every day - and 2 litres of clear fluids of my choice - which does include decaf coffee and or Clear soup broth - 

after a full day of vanilla shakes - vegetable broth was DELECTABLE at supper time!

This was my last Breakfast :

and this my last supper!!

I shall keep you posted - with as many details as I dare --- and will even give you the link to the YOUTUBE video of the actual surgery - I DARE YOU to watch it !!!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Orphans of God

This song ( by Avalon ) has been really touching me this week.....

especially this line :

Come ye unwanted, and find affection....
come all ye weary, come and lay down your head..

I find that just about as comforting as crawling up onto my mom's lap.....


Listen HERE

Orphans of God

Who here among us has not been broken
Who here among us is without guilt or pain
So oft' abandoned by our transgressions
If such a thing as grace exists
Then grace was made for lives like this

There are no strangers
There are no outcasts
There are no orphans of God
So many fallen, but hallelujah
There are no orphans of God

Come ye unwanted and find affection
Come all ye weary, come and lay down your head
Come ye unworthy, you are my brother
If such a thing as grace exists
Then grace was made for lives like this

O blessed Father, look down upon us
We are Your children, we need Your love
We run before Your throne of mercy
And seek Your face to rise above

Listen HERE

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Fathers Day.......

I've been pondering a lot this week... trying to get my mind around what makes a good dad.... What is it, that makes a dad successful???

As I've mulled on it, a lot, my mind inevitable returns to thinking about my dad.... and all of the qualities in him that I see, that I like.... and that , flat out, I'm trying to emulate.
So Dad.......... here are some of the things I've thought on this week........ all of which you are!
* A successful dad is.....
one that is always watching for us..... Dad does that well... not just watching OUT for us... but watching for us!
I remember when we would make the trip to visit my grand parents in Quebec.... we would pull in to the driveway of their apartment, and we would see the outline of my grampie in the upstairs window.... watching.... waiting!! He would be to the bottom of the stairs before we would be out of the car!!

My dad is like that... when we go to visit mom and dad in Belleville, inevitably it's late at night when we arrive.... the outdoor light is always on... the door is usually ajar.... and before we are to the door, Dad is up, and waiting by the door to welcome us!
* A successful dad is ...
someone with whom you can share your victories AND your defeats....
The day I lost my job in 2003, the first person I called was my dad.... At the end of a really good day, I often find myself texting my dad, to brag about how many inspections I'd completed today...
When Taylor got his first job, when Anna got accepted to University, when Abby's photo made it to the Habs website....I was quick to message my dad and tell him....

There's just something about having Dad there to share those things with, that is irreplaceable!
A Successful dad is....
Someone that always shows up to watch your games. I don't think there was ever a hockey game, or band concert, that my dad didn't show up for..... It's a tradition that lives on with him....
Even Isaac knows this.... one night when Isaac was around 4, he was dreaming big... making plans to play for the Belleville Bulls..... He said to his mom " Mommy, if I play for the bulls, will you come and see me??? Papa will... he ALWAYS comes!!!"
that kind of "always there" is what makes you successful dad!!
A successful dad is ....
someone that bails you out on a bad day.... I remember years and years ago, one Friday night, I stopped in at a car dealership to dream ....
I had my heart set on owning an Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme.... ( I still kinda want one!! maybe someday! ) ....
anyway, I was just dreaming.... but the salesman was smarter than me!!! I asked the guy - what did he think was their bottom dollar.... my naivety was my undoing... long story short, the guy talked me out of my ownership, AND my signature, all in an effort to "see" what the best deal was we could get from the boss.....
Saturday morning, My dad and I went back to the dealership to get my ownership AND my pride.......we left with only the ownership!!!!
....... that was more than 20 years ago, and it still embarrasses me... but BOY was it nice to have my dad bail me out!!
A successful dad is.....
someone that is quoteworthy!!
The older I get, the more I quote my dad.......
"a fool and his money are soon parted"
"get the hay in while the sun is shining"
"small things amuse small minds"
"busier than a one armed paper hanger with a seven year itch"
"The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth"
Dad was actually quoting scripture there, but he used it in reference of people who ramble onnnnnnnnnnnn and on and on, just to hear themselves talk!!
I find myself quoting my dad all the time!! and thats a good thing!
A successful dad is....
a dad that has good habits, for his kids to follow....

My dad is a non drinker, and a non smoker... to quote my dad ( again! )
"I don't smoke, I don't chew... I don't go with girls that do!!!"
I remember dad being asked one time why he didn't ever "drink" .. he said " I came dangerously close to being hooked on Pepsi..... Imagine if it had been alcohol"
I love that, and I love your discipline Dad!
Another of your habits is your faithful church attendance! You put us all to shame at how diligently you attend church and how your life honors the one you go there to worship!
A Successful Dad ....
is someone with work ethic....
My dad is a tank when it comes to work ethic!! I tell people " My dad is semi retired.... now he goes in to the office at 8:30 instead of 7"
At 71, he is still working more hours in a week than most anybody I know.....
when I grow up, I want to have that kind of work ethic!
A successful Dad..........
is someone that loves my mother......
And dad has done that and continues to do that..... As I watch my mom and dad grow older, the shopping trips consist less of trips to Home Depot and Canadian Tire... and more of trips to Shoppers Drug Mart..... and I've watched dad consistently, for 47 years, drop what he's doing and rush to make sure mom has all that she needs.....
I can't, in a million years, ever expect to come close to that....
A Successful Dad.....
is one that loves his grand kids as much as he loved us.
As I have watched 8 grandchildren come and go through mom and dad's house, I have seen a consistent theme: A loonie here, a toonie there, a hug and tickle , and a shoulder that every one of those kids felt safe snuggling on!
"The true measure of a man, is how you are made to feel in his presence"
If the way your grand children feel around you was the ONLY indication, you are an incredible man!
To quote my Dad again,.... "If I'd known grand kids were this much fun, I'd have had them first!!"
The truth is, dad.... You are a great Dad.... an Incredible husband, a true friend, and a very Godly man.....
and I love you very much!

Some days, I find it a staggering example to follow, and yet I strive to, because I want to be THAT KIND OF DAD, to my kids.
Someone said that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.......
I keep saying.......... When I grow up, I want to be just like you!
I'd not want you to feel flattered, but I sure do want you to know that I'm proud to be your son, and proud to call you my dad.

Happy Fathers Day Dad!

Sunday, May 09, 2010

To My Mom .....

"When it comes right down to it, nobody will ever love you like your mom does!"

That was the note I got today from my friend Stephen... who lost his mom 15 months ago.....

he's right..... nobody has or ever will love me like my mom....

I am a product of a loving praying mom!

Thank you Mom!!

The older I get, the more I come face to face with the reality of life.... the frailty of it, and its brevity.

More and more of my friends have lost their mom.... so a day like today for THEM is a sad empty day.....

And even though I wasn't there today to share it with you , I am doing what each of those friends has told me .... Cherish every moment you have with your mom!

I never know where to start when it comes to thanking you for loving me.

Inevitably, I sit and think about it..... I decided today to make a list.... and I found myself making notes on my crackberry during church today...... I'm SURE the pastor thought I was sending text messages !! but I wasn't!

When I sit to think about you, mom... my mind races.... to all of the things that you have done for me.... The memories come flooding back....

I remember when I was just a kid.....coming home early from several Sunday School picnics over at the river by French's farm...... because you had run into the water fully clothed to save a kid that was drowning.....

back then, I felt ripped off because we had to leave before the ice cream cones came out!

NOW?? I look back at that with pride...... that some kid somewhere is alive today because of you!

Though I don't remember , I know that you gave up your job to stay home and raise us kids. After all your training to become a Registered Nurse, it must have been a bit of a let down to change diapers instead of medical dressings..... thank you for that!

I remember you bringing us to visit your uncles when I was just a kid.... I remember with a bit of shame, how boring I found those visits.... boring for us, but sooo cherished by your uncles....
As I get older, i have come to love the memory of those visits.... and am trying to instill in my kids a love for visiting people who sit by, lonely..... waiting.....

I remember you taking a refresher course so you could go back to work .... to help put us through college..... I remember Dad and Bruce eating out a lot of evenings cause you were working .... Wendys', Harvey's, McDonalds and I ALL thank you !!

I remember having a lunch packed for me, every day of my school life..... I remember wondering what on EARTH the word PATE meant..... but as I watched guys like Howie, sitting there, sad and hungry..... I realized pate wasn't all that bad after all!!

I remember playing in the water in the side yard of Sawyerville Elementary..... And I remember spending all afternoon sitting in wet pants..... The next week, I came to school with THE COOLEST pair of home made rubber pants to play in! I was the envy of Jeff and Danny ... when I sat RIGHT DOWN in the puddle and didn't get wet!!

I remember one saturday standing outside the United Church in Sawyerville... somebody in the neighbourhood was getting married.... and we hadn't been invited.... but you really wanted to see the bride come out..... so we hid in the bushes across the street and watched......... ok, I HID in the bushes and watched.... cause I'd spilled ice cream all down the front of my white t shirt....

bushes or not, its one of my favourite memories of a Saturday morning with you!!

I remember always wanting to invite my friends over to our house..... knowing that you would never be upset at me if I came home from church with a few friends in tow.... never once did you complain about having to put out another plate.... or three

I remember you driving up to visit me at camp in Owen Sound that summer I was there.... that horrible summer.... I remember you taking us to Blue Mountain to the water slide.... and how refreshing that was amidst a difficult summer.....

I remember many times at college... when the stress of my life then, felt like it was going to crush me..... I remember walking to the pay phone in Three Hills, and calling you.... and crying my heart out.....

I won't ever forget that....

There just seems to be something soothing about crying on your shoulder.

I remember you letting me take your car to school many many times for band practice..... I remember you giving me your credit card to put gas in that car one day..... what I DON'T remember was leaving the credit card on my dresser..... I remember walking up to the cashier and proudly slapping down my high school ID card as payment.....

I also remember the look in that cashier's eye!!

I remember you laughing, not scolding, when I got home in a panic, and had to race back to the Esso Station on North Front street, to pay the bill and get back the Timex watch I'd left as collateral!!

I remember you sending me cookies in the mail, when I was at Prairie..... I was the envy of every guy on first floor..... I remember that though the cookies were smashed into a bazillion pieces, it gave me more pieces to share.... or more to not HAVE to share maybe!!

I remember you letting me use your car when I got a summer job during college.....
I don't EVER remember you complaining about being stuck at home with no vehicle.

I remember inviting almost 3o of my chinese friends out for a BBQ after high school graduation.... I was proud then , and I'm proud NOW to bring people to visit my parents.
I remember laughing with you!
I remember when you moved into the house on Airport parkway....... Somebody that was helping with the move, brought a big old Tractor Chain out of the truck.... wondering if it should go in the shed, or the basement or the garage, he said : Marg, where do you want THIS???
I remember gasping as I heard you say with a giggle..... take THAT to the bedroom!
I remember coming in to see you last year and hollering from the front dooor
" Anybody HOME???
and you saying... NOPE....!!
When I got my boots off and came over and hugged you , I said...
" so, how are you REALLY? and your answer, again with the giggle, was....
I don't know.. NOBODY's HERE remember????"
Cherished, treasured memories I have, mom!!

When I think of you, I think of a selfless, never complaining woman.... who's lot in life has been far more difficult than any of us will ever know.....

When I saw you this week, preparing supper from your leather rocking chair, almost unable to breath, I realized what a gift God gave us, in you.....

When you told me that you use up 1500 calories a day just to breathe.... it took MY breath away.

I know lately, to quote Rusty Goodman..... You've got leavin' on your mind...... and I don't blame you...

I don't think any of us could have ever managed the pain and the suffering you have, with any where near as much quiet, and calm , and class as you!

So.... for the sacrifice you've made, to care and love and always be there,

from the bottom of my heart,

thank you

I love you mom

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

PK Subban

PK Subban has been one of the incredible parts of this years Playoffs.....

Though I have never met him, he played for 4 years of Junior for the Belleville Bulls.....
He is a good friend to my brother Bruce and those connections somehow make you feel like he's your OWN kid playing up there...

it's been incredible to watch him... to see him excel, and in spite of that success, to remain focused and humble....

Here is a story written about him in the Hockey News ..... Playoff Blog: P.K. Subban bolsters Montreal's excitement
04/05/2010 1:00:02 AMby Ryan Dixon

While the team has been winning upsets with great goaltending and gritty play, the way the young defenseman has stepped up is a great side story.

Regardless of how the rest of the spring plays out for the Montreal Canadiens, a few lessons will be gleaned from this unlikely voyage into the second round of the NHL playoffs.
For the sake of not bringing sand to the beach, we'll stray from the usual storyline of Jaroslav Halak and just focus on the fact the Habs have shown far more grit, heart and determination than anybody thought they had hanging around their collective bodies.

Not only has every member of the team shown a willingness to enter the physical fray by blocking shots and banging bodies, they've also demonstrated great mental resiliency, refusing to give up in the face of extremely long odds.

Another element of this playoff run that is sure to be talked about well into the summer is the emergence of P.K. Subban.

The smooth-skating blueliner joined the Canadiens for Game 6 of their first round series with the Washington Capitals and has been a staple on the back end since, especially with both Jaroslav Spacek and Andrei Markov out of the lineup.

Subban, who turns 21 next week, had a terrific year developing in the American League with the Hamilton Bulldogs and hasn't missed a beat since being called up to Montreal, notching a goal and three points in four high-pressure playoff contests.

The youngster has certainly been tossed directly in the fire, but part of the reason he's such a highly regarded prospect is due to his mental makeup. Subban carries himself with an outward confidence that falls just short of unwarranted swagger. He clearly believes in himself and his skills, but also gives you the sense he's willing to work hard for everything he hopes to achieve.

As good as he's been on a tandem with Roman Hamrlik, don't expect a seamless transition to big-league hockey. Pushing the play is part of Subban's genetic composition as a hockey player and learning when to attack and when to take a more guarded approach - thus avoiding costly turnovers - is key to his development.

Mistakes are going to be made and the world shouldn't be expected of a player so young.
Still, when all is said and done this season, Subban will be one of the reasons to get excited about what is yet to come.

Ryan Dixon is a writer and copy editor for The Hockey News magazine, the co-author of the book Hockey's Young Guns and a regular contributor to His blog appears Thursdays and his column, Top Shelf, appears Wednesdays.

Monday, May 03, 2010

Habs secret weapon in net.....

Have you been watching the Habs during the playoffs this year????? and have you, like me... wondered how on earth their goaltending was so incredible????

this may or may not be one of the secrets to their success!!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Employment opportunities in Napanee

Doesn't pay very well though...... ! Looks like $3 an hour to me!!!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Stopping Violence in Hockey

With the onslaught of head shots in hockey lately..... and the irritation of so called gutless goons like Carcillo and Avery......

it's no wonder there is a whole new generation of head shots like this :

it's ok though... the kid on the right.... had it coming!!!

Sorry Gord ............

I received this comment yesterday....... from my friend Gord....

It would seem to me that Mr. Mackay who titles his blogspot "Still rambling" has gone strangely quiet.

Has his imaginative writing style abandoned him or perhaps has he met with some untimely misfortune such as uninterrupted narcolepsy in which case should we call him Rip Van Mackay?

It also could be he doesn't realize how is unique perspective on the world influences us or at the least entertains us.

It could also be that the gent who left his cane on this side view mirror has tracked Paul down in which case I dont even want to ponder his fate.

I think we should all encourage Paul to pick up his pen again (and leave the microphone on the table where it belongs) and encourage him to once again to wax philosophically to inspire us all.

Otherwise, we may need to resort to good ole humiliation and embarrassment.

Not a threat, just sayin...

Come on Paul, turn off that hockey game (or whatever it is those Canadiens think they're doing)


and inpire us again.

Or shall we begin to circulate photos?
Thank you for missing me Gord!!

Gord is uh.... the one on the right !! ;)