Still rambling

Wednesday, October 09, 2024

Day 16 --- and I haven't killed anybody yet !!!

Well there's been a lull in posting --

Day 6 was a turn around day - things got markedly better that day - and my body stopped being SO harngry!

I am starting to notice some changes physically - much less pain in my hip because of the removal of sugar and carbs --- I was surprised to realize this would have an impact -

some people have said : OH YEAH - sugar causes inflation !  YOU DIDN'T KNOW THAT??

no, no I didn't !

But I'm pleased just the same!!

And my clothes don't cut off circulation anymore so looser fitting clothing gives me great hope!!

The shakes that I drink ( Medi-Meal ) are still very enjoyable - with one exception ---

The day I picked them up at the hospital - they only had Vanilla --
I just shrugged and said : Oh well I guess I'm getting Vanilla .....

but saw that I could add Decaf Instant Coffee Crystals - which I began doing and that has been a game changer.... SO much nicer flavour --- It almost tastes like a treat from Starbucks!

and at $2.86 per packet - it FEELS almost like Starbucks hahahaha

Tonight I thought I'd venture out and try one of their "suggested recipes" for Orange creamsicle---

I added orange jello crystals to the vanilla shake --- and it made it LOOK very orange -
but it had a nasty taste --- we won't be doing THAT again !!!!

anyway - I seem to have found a groove - and I'm PRAYING that this little bubble of euphoria isn't short lived ---

I'll likely be 2 or 3 months before I'm back on normal food and for NOW at least - i'm feeling content 

Stay in touch!! ***paul


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