Still rambling

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Day 3 - MAN I Love JELLO

 well ---

I haven't killed anybody yet!  Although --- Today's not over !!

For the 4 weeks prior to surgery - my daily diet consists of 4 Medi-Meal protein shakes -  to help protect muscle tissue, and to shrink the liver.

I am allowed to supplement with soup broth between shakes as well as sugar free Jello.

Today I stocked up on Jello -- I went to Walmart - and loaded up - 

I filled a "CHIPIT" box with two dozen boxes of jello !!!

On my way back to the car, I bumped into some friends - and when we talked about my special diet -- the peered into my grocery cart with interest and asked - innocently I assume :  

"Is it a CHIPITS diet ???"

uh no --- that box is filled with Jello boxes hahaha

it made me laugh - and laughter is such good medicine :)  

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Day 2 of the first 28


A cracker --- a piece of cheese --- ANYTHING!

I tried chewing out my neighbour's dog - but it just didn't satisfy!

I had my pre-op in Kingston today -  they did a bunch of questions - full on health overview - BP, Weight, Blood work and an EKG.

The good news this regimen is having amazing early on results : I'm down 8 ounces from my last weigh in 😏

I made some new friends in the waiting room - and didn't cry when they took my blood!

The Vanilla shakes are lovely - not overly filling - but they taste nice!
I add a tea spoon of instant decaf coffee - and boy does that make it taste good!!

 I am also allowed 2 litres per day of clear caffeine free liquids - including beef,chicken and vegetable broth - and sugar free jello -

holy - on an empty stomach, BOTH of those items are delectable!!

will check in another time :) 

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Day 1 of a new life -

 Well today I am embarking on a new venture --

not a job - not a relationship -

and no, I'm not coming out of the closet!

I am scheduled for Bariatric Bypass Surgery four weeks from today - to help control my weight -

it's been an issue for a long long time, but much worse since the pandemic.

In February of 2023, I was diagnosed with moderate Osteoarthritis and it has become much worse in the months since then.

In March of 2024, I began walking with a cane and September 13th, 2024 - I received an Accessible Parking Permit - the blue wheel chair parking pass -

I cried --- but I am also very grateful to have it !!

Today begins the last 4 weeks pre-op - where I will live on 4 Medi-Meal shakes every day - and 2 litres of clear fluids of my choice - which does include decaf coffee and or Clear soup broth - 

after a full day of vanilla shakes - vegetable broth was DELECTABLE at supper time!

This was my last Breakfast :

and this my last supper!!

I shall keep you posted - with as many details as I dare --- and will even give you the link to the YOUTUBE video of the actual surgery - I DARE YOU to watch it !!!