Still rambling

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Valentine's Supper

well... I went out for supper with Pam tonight.... I don't know if you've met Pam or not....
I've known Pam all my life....Pam is single, and 44, though you would hardly know it.... I wasn't sure I should really go out at all tonight, but I figured having valentine's day supper, with even an old friend, was still better than sitting home alone...

I have to admit though, supper tonight was not all that exciting...... there was not much in the way of fact, there was none.

I'm not sure what I went expecting....

I joked a little bit with the waitress, but other than that, not one word..... supper, in silence.

It was uncomfortable.... it was deafening....and it seemed to take forever.

When the waitress finally came by after the meal to offer coffee, I quickly declined... I thought to myself "why endure this pain any longer?"

I'm wondering now though, if maybe sitting at home alone would have been better than that kind of silence.....


that's the last time Paul Allan Mackay goes out for supper alone!


At February 15, 2007 6:41 a.m. , Blogger Wendy said...

Good for you....of ALL nights, last night would have been the night that I stayed AWAY from a restaurant!!!

At least you had your alter ego with you. LOL!

At February 15, 2007 9:15 a.m. , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have no idea what happened to my last comment, I hope it isn't going to publish as it wasn't done. As I was saying...


of course, as I think abot it, this makes my brothers alter ego GAH, I use that word when I'm completely frustrated with something. You might be on to something.. haha

At February 15, 2007 6:35 p.m. , Blogger Gayle said...

You had me on this one...I cannot believe I was soooo gullible...right to the very last line.If you coulda been a fly on the wall you'd a died laughing at me!! I guess I completely forgot who I was dealing with! A mark on the wall for you, Paul!


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