Still rambling

Monday, June 09, 2008


I'm not exactly tolerant when it comes to hot hot temperatures.... I don't sleep well, I get grumpy..... and I find it very hard to stay focused.....

My living quarters in Brantford are for the most part quite comfortable...... It is a 3 storey on grade, with the ground floor being laundry room, hall and built in garage.

The garage was renovated several years ago, and made into a den/family room which became my room.... it houses my office, my books, my 19" tv, and my bed.

On very cold winter nights, the office gets pretty cold... and in the hot weather, it gets very stuffy.... there is no window, only the front door around the corner...... There is a big plate glass window in the laundry room, but it does not open...... so putting an air conditioner in the office seemed an impossibility..... until I was inspecting north of 7 last summer and saw that someone had installed one in a Screen Door.... WHOO AHHH!!

So on Sunday afternoon, I went to home depot, bought a tiny air conditoner ( FOR $78, if you can imagine! BRAND NEW ) .... and installed it in the screen door in the back room.....

I might as well live northa 7 ...

the other picture shows where the REST Of my money will go this summer, funding the units in the upstairs.....

sigh.... gotta go wipe my brow and hit the road!! Happy TUESDAY!


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