Still rambling

Thursday, May 24, 2007


I spent the day in Cambridge today, at a seminar for "High Value" home evaluations....

My boss, and 3 of the guys drove down this morning from Lindsay area.... I went from Brantford..... 35 minutes it took me; THEY left Little Britain at 6:40... and beat me to the seminar.... shut up Storey!!!

The morning session started late, because there were 4 people from Grenville area ( near Cornwall, I think ) who were on a tele-conference link thingy........ except that they couldn't hear...... about every 3 minutes, they'd interupt us and say " WE CAN'T HEAR YOU" ... it was pretty annoying actually!

After 3 or 4 interuptions like that, one of them said : Is there any way to make it so we can hear better?

I leaned over to my boss, and said... "take a car, fill the tank with gas, AND DRIVE HERE ...." I felt that would have done wonders to help them HEAR ....."

sigh.. I'm so cynical....

Eventually, they hung up and went home mad ( no wait, they were already HOME ) .....

anyway... things got going a little better once they hung up!! however, after a while, the morning session dragged on and on.... most of the material was so basic, that we could have taught THEM.......

Lunch time came and we were pretty relieved, figuring that the afternoon session would be more helpful and more interesting... boy were we wrong!!

After a great lunch of MSG SOAKED chinese food, we began a two hour session on high end art appraisal, which unbeknownst to us ( is unbeknownst even a word ? ) had nearly NO benefit for loss prevention at all.... yawn

There were about 30 or 40 people in the afternoon session.... all of whom, for the most part, fidgeted, giggled, snoozed, blinked, nodded, did just about anything to stay awake.... all the while, wondering " WHY AGAIN did we pay $$ to come here for this????????"

In the middle of the session, I felt a creative surge hit me...... and put my pen to paper and wrote a poem..... you KNOW it must have been boring..........

here's what I came up with....


I'm stuck here on this afternoon
just like I was in school
I think the MSG's kicked in
I just began to drool!

I am not sure just what I'll do
with all this "ART" info
If only I was near the door
to BRANTFORD I would go!

I've tried to pay attention,
but here is my excuse :
Since every one is sleeping,
I ask you... Whats the USE?

I'm working though, I'm taking notes
and writing more and more
but find it quite distracting
since my boss began to snore!

If you happen to know anybody that is hiring, please let me know!!!


At May 24, 2007 8:56 p.m. , Blogger Gayle said...

That was an awesome poem,Paul! Someday that photo of you in speedo's is gonna be worth $$!! Don't forget me when you're famous,ok? I'm in that photo too!

At May 25, 2007 6:32 a.m. , Blogger Wendy said...

That poem made me laugh right out loud. It definetly shows creativity.

Have a great weekend.

At May 25, 2007 9:23 p.m. , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am trying to picture Robert Frost in speedo's!!!!


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