Labour Day
For once, I didn't labour on labour day!!!
I have fond memories from labour day when I was a kid ( ok, so maybe the memories aren't all THAT fond ) .....
my parents used to have a huge potatoe garden up the hill from our house in Randboro..... an entire garden with just potatoes...... and the task on labour day was to dig up the potatoes..... it WAS, after all, labour day, my dad always said....
anyway.... now that I am all growd up and don't have a potatoe patch, I did what I've always wanted to do on labour day : NOTHING!!
My girls were here til 11: 30 today, I took them to get their eye brows done at 10 ... and then we came home, loaded up the car and drove to paris....
but after THAT, I did nothing!
ok, so I did do one thing.... I installed one of my yard sale bargains.... after picking up VHS tapes at yard sales all summer and getting a really cool IKEA wall mount for my tv, I installed it today....The video shelf was a bargain sale special from last summer.... that I got for FREE ( without the movies obviously! ) ....
When I was done today, this is what it looked like .....The new tv mount.... a way cool IKEA item, that I got at a yard sale for $2 .. whoo ahhh!!
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