my Leg....
Some of you may or may not have heard this yet... so will try to give a broad update..
I have been having symptoms of cellulitis in my left leg again.. since Wednesday last week there were red blotches on my ankle and instep, and the blotches were starting to streak....and they were warm to touch.......
I went to my Family GP on Thursday and started fairly heavy meds for the infection..... by Saturday the swelling and redness faded and the area was no longer warm to touch..... but the pain did not... the pain has continued, in fact began moving up the leg.... Saturday it was in the shin just below the knee... and sunday it was up past the knee and in the fleshy part of the thigh just to the inside of my left knee...... as I felt it going higher, it worried me... because if it was poisoning, it will work it's way to the heart and could prove deadly...
I checked my BP at Shoppers yesterday... it was inflated, (though those machines are not very accurate I'm told ).... anyway...when I got home from taking taylor to work Sunday afternoon, I felt the spot in my thigh.. and it was warm to the touch.. which worried me..... Anna helped me get my stuff to gether and I went to the hospital....
after 6 hours there, they were pretty sure that the "spot" on my thigh was not cellulitis, though the ankle spots likely were.... they feel that the meds were early and strong enough to nip it in the bud...
I spent most of the afternoon today at the hospital, had another ultra sound and it was seen by two different doctors...... They are pretty sure the spot on my thigh is a blood clot. It is in a surface vein and not an arterie which is much less dangerous, but there is still risk....
They prescribed an anti inflammatory med to help with the clot in the leg, gave me two blood thinner shots in the ER last night and have referred me to a blood specialist... who called today twice to book an appt.... very likely I will see him Tomorrow....
Then I will have to go back to BGH in 3-4 days to have another ultrasound.... my Doctor on Sunday told me.... that she was PRETTY sure it wouldn't be twins... !!
One of the serious issues of my life is the heinous number of hours that I have to spend at a desk doing paperwork..... which has increased dramatically in the 5 years since I started this job.... it may be that this will be a catalyst for change in my life as this particular phase of my life, living in two places and so many miles each week, has worn me nearly out....
I have retrofitted my desk in Brantford to be able to work standing up or at least at a stool, to help reduce the risk of damage to my leg...
anyway... that's pretty much the story up to now..... thank you for those who called and have been praying.... it means a lot....
I will keep you posted....
I love your pictures, good blog!
Praying for you....
I am lifting you up in prayer...and have asked others to join me ....
just heard !
in my thoughts and prayers!
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